Conferences & Committees


Swiss SKA Days:

Hosted by the Institute for Data Science FHNW, at the Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz, or University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland.

4Most science meeting at LASTRO, 19-22 Juin 2018


The Swiss Square Kilometer Array (SKA) day 2016 at EPFL

eBOSS meeting 2016 at EPFL


EUCLID consortium meeting for the Euclid space telescope took place at SwissTech convention center at EPFL (website)

IAU Symposium 315 2015 IAU Symposium 315 2015

The symposium “From interstellar clouds to star-forming galaxies: universal processes” took place at the general assembly of the International Astronomical Union 2015. The website is here.

IAU Focus Meeting HFF 2015 IAU Focus Meeting HFF 2015

The Hubble Frontier Fields Focus meeting took place during the general assembly of the International Astronomical Union 2015. The website is located here.